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Committees at West Richmond Friends


Our meeting accomplishes much of its work through committees, each charged with a different aspect of our common life. Below are brief capsules about our current committees. For more information, see a member of the Gifts & Leadings Committee.


Ministry & Membership: cares for all aspects of the spiritual life of the Meeting, including Meeting for Worship (see also Worship Subcommittee, below); receives and evaluates applications for membership and transfers of membership; is responsible for supervision of Pastoral Minister and other staff (but see Staff Supervisory Subcommittee, below). Committee members must be members of the Meeting.


Worship (Subcommittee of M&M): works with the Pastoral Minister and Choir Director to plan all aspects of Sunday Meeting for Worship, as well as special worship opportunities; meets regularly to evaluate recent Meetings for Worship.


Staff Supervisory (Subcommittee of M&M): supervises and supports the paid servants of the Meeting; periodically meets with them to assess their performance in the tasks assigned to them.

Education: works with the Education Director to plan, oversee & evaluate the Meeting's religious education programs for both adults and children.


Facilities: cares for buildings, grounds, and equipment of the Meeting, including building projects and routine maintenance; oversees use of Meeting facilities.


Friendly Caring: takes responsibility for coordinating pastoral care and other support for Meeting members and attenders.


Gifts & Leadings: discerns gifts and talents of Meeting members and attenders to help in nominating people to serve as officers, committee members, and organizational representatives.


Scholarship: grants scholarships for higher education and the Richmond Friends School; also provides funds for members & attenders to attend workshops, conferences, etc.


Stewardship & Finance: oversees Meeting finances; draws up annual budget and coordinates pledge effort; works with Bookkeeper and Meeting Treasurer; promotes understanding of Christian stewardship in the Meeting. Committee members must be members of the Meeting.


Witness & Service: promotes Meeting awareness of and involvement in all areas of social concern and missions, according to Friends testimonies (simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality).


Coordinating: a special committee that meets quarterly to attend to business that concerns more than one committee, or that isn’t covered by the mission of any of them. Includes officers of the Meeting (Clerk, Recording Clerk) and each committee’s clerk.




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